Breakaway Trails Community
Breakaway Trails (Home Search), a gated community, in Ormond Beach (Homes For Sale), Florida offers a unique lifestyle. This exclusive community is well-known for its small neighborhoods surrounded by environmentally protected nature preserves. Breakaway Trails also offers many amenities including a community pool and covered pavilion, tennis and basketball courts, a beautifully designed clubhouse and much more. Breakaway Trails is a wonderful place to call home and is perfect for entertaining friends and family. A unique lifestyle awaits you. Everything you moved to the country for is right here at Breakaway Trails.)
Breakaway Trails is conveniently located West of I-95 off of Granada Boulevard (Route 40). It is close to shopping, schools, hospitals, the beach and a variety of other recreational offerings. Please see our google map feature showing you Breakaway Trails location and homes for sale in the area.
Community Amenities
• Safe and secure - This community is gated and secure for your piece of mind.
• Enjoy your family - All of our communities are all geared for family living enjoyment - with safe environments for a family to take advantage of every day.
• Take a walk with nature - Beautiful nature areas surround our communities. Lakes and large trees invite the wonderful Florida wildlife to your neighborhood.
• This area is known for its famous drive-on beach, one of the few available in the world. Ormond Beach nickname, the "Birthplace of Speed", comes from the turn-of-the-century speed records set here on the beach. Ormond Beach has areas to suit every need. Some of the beach areas permit driving; however, northern areas do not.
• The wilderness of Tomoka State Park is perfect for the camping, canoeing and picnicking. Located nearby are the Halifax and Tomoka Rivers.
Homes in Breakaway Trails are 3, 4, and 5 bedroom single family residences.
The median sales price for homes in Breakaway Trails, Ormond Beach for Nov 14 to Feb 15 was $290,000. Compared to the same period one year ago, the median sales price decreased 7.9%, or $25,000, and the number of sales decreased 46.2%. Average price per square foot for Breakaway Trails was $109, a decrease of 1.8% compared to the same period last year. There are currently 14 resale and new homes in Ormond Beach on Trulia, including 1 home in the pre-foreclosure, auction, or bank-owned stages of the foreclosure process. The average listing price for homes for sale in Breakaway Trails was $361,144 for the week ending Feb 18, which represents a decrease of 2.4%, or $8,868, compared to the prior week.
Pine Trail Elementary
300 Airport Rd
Ormond Beach Fl 32174
Pathways Elementary
2100 Airport Road
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
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